  • Can I cancel or edit an order?

    To ensure quick delivery, once your order has been finalized you can no longer cancel or edit it.

    However, if you no longer wish to receive your order, please reject your parcel when the courier delivers it or return it using the prepaid returns label if this is permitted for your delivery country.

    Customer services can be reached at hello@sessun.com or here

  • Are the items in my basket reserved for me?

    The items in your shopping cart are not reserved.

    As long as they are in your cart, they are available to all our customers.

  • A product I want is unavailable. How can I find out if it will be back online?

    If the size you want is no longer available, you can enter your email address on the product page to be notified when it comes back into stock.

    Do contact a store near you to find out about the item's availability or contact our customer services team for more information at hello@sessun.com or here.